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What Asel Luzarraga has endured is far from unique. Is yet another link in the never ending chain of repression against peoples and ideas. Nonetheless, there are a few complaints in Latin America that have the potential to be taken up by the IACHR and, surely, being from Europe, Asel’s is likely to be the only case of this kind. At present, what we see every day against the Chilean people is the same kind of State terrorism that once was directed against anarchists and the Mapuche people. In this way, Asel’s case opens up a small gap that points a finger at the Chilean State and extends international pressure against it. Freedom of expression and conscience must not be toyed with by the whims of the State. Because of this, your support is vital. As well as making a noise about injustice, this will help Asel gather enough courage during his journey, because all journeys, even those ones among the thorns, are walked better with someone else.
It has taken nine years, but thanks to Jay‘s tireless work and those who have accompanied him along the way, my first book in English arrives, The Good Don’t Use Umbrellas, an adapted translation of the autobiographical Los buenos no usan paraguas. This effort is part of a campaign to denounce the climate of repression and criminalization that still exists in Chile – and elsewhere! – and it is available in the UK and US via Active Distribution (thanks Jon!). The work done by Gavin and Georgina to adapt and translate the Spanish version into English is worth highlighting and appreciating, and the words dedicated to the book by Penny Rimbaud and Ruth Kinna are a great gift. Nor can we forget the help of Jim from Anarchist Studies.
To get the book contact the publisher 😉
On the other hand, it is worth taking a look at the work done by the friends of Punk Ethics and our great friend Lluís Ràfols, each one in his own field. Mutual help is more than a beautiful word…
You can download here a lot of audiovisual material and the Spanish documents.